CMS features for your Iteracy website

Want to spice up your website and offer your visitors something that they'll want to keep coming back to?

We offer a number of features to enhance your website and make it easier and quicker for you to update, encouraging visitors to return more often and spend longer on your site.

Here are a few suggestions, but we've got plenty of other ideas if you want to chat about how we can help you update your website.



Website blogBlogs are a great way to make regular updates to you website. You can use tag blog posts with keywords to help people read about a particular topic. The blog archive will automatically show all your blogs in date order.

Each blog has its own unique address so blog posts can be shared on social media and linked from websites and emails.

  • Animo Flute and Piano - the musical duo regularly blog about events, performances, collaborators and anything that inspires or interests them


Case studies

Website portfolio of case studies / projectsWe can display a list of your case studies or projects with introduction text and a thumbnail image for each, plus a link to read more which clicks through to full details and further images.

These can be displayed as a vertical list or in a horizontal slider; drop-downs can be added to allow people to filter. Case studies can be combined with an embedded map to display them geographically.


Embedded map

Websites with embedded mapsAn embedded Google map can be marked with pins indicating notable locations and then displayed inside your website. This gives all the functionality that people expect from a map - zooming in and out, switching between map and satellite view, while displaying information only relevant to your website.

This is suitable for case studies, projects, places of interest or just about anything. The pin icons can be customised and the pin pop-ups contain more information and a link to more information. It can also zoom to focus on your current location (if using a mobile phone or tablet with GPS).

  • Penwith Virtual Hub - this community website for the far south west of Cornwall has an embedded map showing the archaeological remains of ancient sites in the area


Member area

Website member areasWith a member area, visitors can register for an account to access restricted pages, update their own records or submit information. Once they've clicked on a link in an email to activate their account, the member can login to the restricted area.

The whole system is completely automated so you don't need to get involved - there's even a forgotten password form.

Visitors will get more out of your website and your company will have a closer relationship with them.

  • NatResPro - a talent matching platform that allows candidates to log in and create a profile and employers to login and search for prospective employees


Booking system

Website booking systemsWhatever your budget, there's a booking system to match.

From a simple page that you can easily update through our Content Management System (CMS), to an all-singing-all-dancing web booking system with real-time availability, online payment and email confirmations, we can integrate the most suitable method of online bookings into your website.

  • Vellandreath Cornish Cottages - top-of-the-range custom booking system for gorgeous properties in Sennen, Cornwall with seasonal rates, voucher codes, online reservation, booking and payment


Online payment

Take online payment through a websiteCustomers expect to be able to make instant online purchases. PayPal is a quick and affordable way to add e-commerce to your site, but there are several other options to take online payments. 

All transactions are carried out on the secure web servers of your chosen payment gateway - we never store credit card details. Your website will be automatically updated with the success of each transaction.

  • Weavers Bazaar - an online shop selling a range of pre-dyed yarns for tapestry and rug making; there are different options for the weight of yarn, quantity and price depending on the product chosen


Forms and questionnaires

Online forms and questionnairesThey may not sound glamorous, but online forms and questionnaires save a huge amount of time and money in data collection and printing costs.

Information entered through an online form or survey can be stored in your CMS or emailed to you. Great for you because it's more convenient and high quality (the online form will warn people when they've missed a question or filled out conflicting answers); great for visitors because it's quicker and less hassle - win-win!



Website newsUnlike blogs, new stories tend to be more formal and suitable for announcements and press releases. A news section will display stories in date order with links to read full details. They can be auto-populated from RSS feeds once you have chosen a selection of news sources and keywords to match on.

If you do have a news section, remember to update it - there's nothing worse than a single "Welcome to our new website" story over a year old!


Image carousel

Image carouselYour homepage needs to create a good impression fast, but there's not much space to convey everything you want in a single image. An image carousel lets you display a series of attractive images which grab your visitor's attention and convey lots of information.

Each image clicks through to a relevant page, and the images either fade from one to the next or your visitor can click forwards and backwards through them.

  • Tim Fuge Leadwork - award-winning lead specialist Tim Fuge displays images showing his range of services and news



Frequently Asked Questions/FAQs on a websiteFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are a tried and tested format for presenting information in a readable, digestible format for visitors.

A well-worded FAQ page will answer a visitor's question and suggest other information which may be relevant.

It's also a great way to improve the content of your website so that it's optimised for search engines.


Side panels

Side panels on a websiteSide panels are feature boxes within your website page template which display snippets of content.

They can be set to appear on multiple pages, randomly or at particular times of the year.

They are ideal for advertising special offers, promoting key areas of a website or suggesting something seasonally appropriate.

  • MGA Consulting - this consulting service use panels to promote their principal analysis tool


Multilingual site

Multilingual and dual-language websitesYour website has a global audience - communicate with them in their language! If your customers are overseas or you are targeting particular countries, why not translate the content of your website? We can update your CMS so that you can enter the translations for every page.

  • Neutron Fire - specialist range of fire protection materials with versions in Turkish, Russian, Vietnamese, Arabic and German




Image/video gallery

Image/video gallery in a websiteDisplay your images or films in a gallery or a series of galleries. The gallery will display a limited number of thumbnails which visitors can page through. Clicking on one will bring up the full size image or film with a title or caption.

  • Media Spaces - this film making company has a gallery of recent video; click on one of the stills to view the film in a pop-up movie player




Twitter/Facebook integration

Twitter/Facebook integration into a websiteIntegrate your Facebook or Twitter feeds into your website.

If you're already updating Twitter or a Facebook page for your business, it will save you time and effort to have your website automatically update from your social networking sites.

A fresh, dynamic website with your latest tweets or posts will encourage visitors to return time and again.

  • Royal Oak Inn - Facebook posts are displayed on their What's On page
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