Why I'm taking a break from the news
I've done something a bit radical - I've stopped reading the news completely. No news websites, no newspapers, no news apps. Nothing. The changes in my mental wellbeing have been amazing. I'm sleeping better. My anxiety levels have dropped significantly. Instead of spending hours consuming news, I'm reading more books.
3rd March 2025
Bye bye Twitter (X)
After much consideration we've decided to close our Twitter (X) account. It's over five years since we left a social...
10th September 2024
Building digital empathy
Have you ever misinterpreted someone's tone in a text message, or witnessed a heated exchange in the comments section...
19th August 2024
Marketing vs word of mouth
Why our marketing strategy has always been happy client recommendations rather than paid advertising
23rd November 2020
Trying to escape the bubble
One of the things I love most about the internet is the wide variety of information. Recently I've found that sites like Quora and Youtube are only showing me information about topics in which I've previously expressed an interest. So I deleted all my preferences to see what would happen.
8th May 2019
Bye bye Google+
Google+ is being shut down for consumers on 2 April 2019. It won't be missed by many.
26th March 2019
Google overload
Do you know your Google Analytics from your Google My Business?
20th November 2018
Fight for your right to data privacy - Part 2
What happens when you exercise your rights under GDPR
17th August 2018
Fight for your right to data privacy - Part 1
Tracking down companies that hold our personal data
10th August 2018
Should I #deletefacebook?
Short answer: maybe. Long answer: read on!
28th March 2018